Philips Hue Wireless Connected Smart Lighting

Philips Hue is the inventor of internet-connected lighting. Hue was introduced at the end of 2012 and has since grown into one of the leaders in the “Internet of Things”.


The primary objective was to help Philips Hue achieve greater brand recognition and sales through a range of targeted marketing strategies. Tasked with managing the #huecan social media campaign, which involved activating and expanding the Hue community by creating engaging content and encouraging user participation.


Took the lead in managing and developing the “Lighting has changedglobal awareness and sales campaign. Focus was on leveraging various online media channels such as pre-rolls, display advertising, and search engine advertising (SEA), as well as traditional channels like TV and out-of-home advertising, to increase brand exposure and drive sales.


As part of our efforts to reposition the Hue brand, we worked to adjust messaging and develop the “Turn on Living” campaign, which emphasized the benefits of using Philips Hue lighting to enhance the overall quality of life.


In addition, involved in several online product launches, including the Hue tap and wireless dimming kit. Our goal was to create engaging content and effective promotional strategies to generate buzz and maximize sales.


Finally, played a role in optimizing the content on the platform to ensure a seamless user experience and better showcase the Hue brand and its products.


By implementing a range of effective marketing strategies, we were able to help Philips Hue achieve its sales and branding goals and establish itself as a leader in the field of internet-connected lighting.

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